Our Process

Not All traffic is created equal –  our 4 step process gets your the users that add to your bottom line. 

Step One:   Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Audit-  This involves a calculator and real talk on how much a customer is worth to you over their typical lifespan.   There are many factors at play here including price of your good/service, ability to recurring and depth of upsell.    After we have “The Number” then we can work backwards from this critical foundations starting point.

Step Two:  Optimizing Customer Acquisition Funnel.   This chronicles the (typically) digital touch-points and steps a prospect can go through on their journey to being your customer.   Where do they see you, how do they perceive you, what are they clicking, what are they reading, what page(s) are they dropping on, what is the goal of each of these pages (from touch-point to closing the sale)

Step Three:  Driving Traffic:  Not all traffic is created equal, a click is not a click.   There is targeted, non-targeted, buyer intent and non-buyer intent.   We always go first for the targeted traffic with buying intent and work our way backwards, keeping in mind you “Number” and engaging in consistent Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) to make the most of everybody’s efforts.    Some traffic will be paid, some will be “free” some will leverage your and other networks.   

Our Ideal Client:  for us to work our best magic you should be a business that already has a product being sold in which we can calculate your customer lifetime value.  Hence this gives us a budget and a runway to work within. Depending on your goals (revenue positive or user acquisition we can tailor our services for your needs and really enter the room as your partner in growth.